
Securing the smart contract ecosystem

Join MythX in making Ethereum more secure.

MythX Overview

Visit MythX

MythX is the premier security analysis service for Ethereum smart contracts. MythX's mission is to ensure development teams avoid costly errors and make Ethereum a more secure and trustworthy platform.

With MythX, you get increased scalability and performance, continual improvements to our security analysis engines, and higher vulnerability detection than locally-run security tools.

  • Powerful: Industry-leading analysis techniques that accurately detect various security issues.
  • Scalable: Scalable and performant security-as-a-service that runs multiple analysis processes in parallel.
  • Integrated: Robust API that enables integration with tools and security products that smart contract developers rely on.

Mission 1

Sign up to become a “MythXpert.” Head to the Hackathon Helpdesk on the 3rd floor or follow instructions on and run MythX on a specific contract, show the results and ideally propose some fixes. You will be verified by MythX at the helpdesk on the 3rd floor.

Mission 2

Sign up for a trial of MythX. You will be verified at the ConsenSys Sponsor Zone Table.

Adventure of a Lifetime